The Swedish scene never disappoints with their productions. One of the most valuable contributions is the patented Gothenburg sound, which is known for creative riffs and melodies built on harmonic and melodic minor scales, abundant minor chords that fulfill a progressive elegant sound (but no less powerful) with proficient audio engineering.
After almost 25 years of Gothenburg death metal tradition, a recent Scandinavian metal act arises showing an interesting new approach: Zhakiah, a project by the guitarist Jani Stefanović (The Waymaker) who began to write music for this project in 2018, but it is not until June 2020 that the first demo single appeared: “Spirit’s Perfection” and later at the end of September, he released the full album: Where The Light Will Thread.
When I listened to each of the 9 tracks from this fantastic production, I perceived all the known presages of an extraordinary masterpiece: a deep and brutal guttural voice similar to David Vincent, drums that continually remind me of At The Gates, flawless clean vocal arrangements that I honestly wouldn’t know how to define, powerful and progressive riffs that you can recall from Scandinavian metal. The bass is perceived as a slight but remarkable layer that makes the guitar work more majestic. The rhythmic base offers a coupled stability and balance.
The entire album is a remarkable work of mixing and mastering. From my point of view, this production is a great and significant contribution to the Scandinavian metal scene.
The songs on the album, they are clearly inspired by biblical eschatological themes. So far, only the lyrics of the second track: “Spirit’s Perfection” and the fourth track: “Where the Light Will Thread“ are available Online.
The symbolic elements found, categorize this style as an unblackened death metal or, melodic death metal with influences of the Gothenburg and Finnish extreme progressive metal. I highly recommend Where The Light Will Thread as a must-have production in the collection for all those who like scandinavian metal music. Label: Melodic Passion.