Advertise On TMO Online Radio & Magazine

We at the magazine and radio station are offering 30 second advert space on our ever popular TMO Online Radio on Whatever product you offer whether it be music related, upcoming tours, events in your area or with small businesses with (clothing, services, food and the like), then we are offering this for you.

(ALL radio advert space is strictly up to 30 seconds in MP3 and AAC on our current 192 Bitrate)

The costs are used to help the running of the magazine & radio station, also helping to put a little coin in our pocket, especially with the soaring prices of living.

All advertising should remain tasteful, legit, honest and on moral grounds.

$50.00 USD for a 30 second advert

Magazine Advertising

We are also offering a few advertising spaces within the online magazine itself. Whether it be on our homepage, throughout our articles, reviews and interviews or even on our side bar. We only have a handful of options at your disposal, please be advised that we are a magazine that holds onto Christian values.

Homepage Ad – $50.00 USD (Weekly)

Side Bar Advertising – $125.00 USD (Shown on all pages) Bi Weekly

Single AD in ANY article – $25.00 USD

Show your AD 5 times in ANY article on a 28 day cycle – $95.00 USD

Show your AD 10 times in ANY article on a 28 day cycle – $150.00 USD

All advertising can be sent to