Revulsed New Album Update: “We may have MISSED the boat for 2023 release….”

Patience is something that every one needs to learn, whether it is for your food being cooked, that promotion you are longing for, a pay rise on the job, or your favorite band releasing their follow-up from their debut record Infernal Atrocity. That’s exactly what brutal death metal band Revulsed have let on from their latest update.

The band have concluded that their follow-up full-length is almost complete and will be available for a 2023 release……. HOWEVER, due to delays and with their very patient label Everlasting Spew Records waiting years for the completion, the group have revealed that they may have missed the boat for this current year and will see where they will fit in the label’s schedule for 2023.

Revulsed have expressed their thanks to the label and fans alike for their utmost patience.

Authorized To Crank It UP!!

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