Koronatizor: A Supergroup to Make This Year Suck Less

The extreme raw black metal band Koronatizor has released their debut EP, Destroyer MMXX. The band, signed with The Bearded Dragon Productions, is a supergroup which consists of Fire (Elgibbor, Frost Like Ashes), Pathos (Symphony of Heaven, Elgibbor), Jokull (Frosthardr, ex-A Hill to Die Upon), and Asaph (Symphony of Heaven, Mystic Winter).

Formed in the bowels of Hell (also known as Southern Indiana, where the oil pumps loom), the dynamic quadruple wrote a devastating EP, from what had initially been an intervention due to Asaph not being a coffee drinker.

Burning the midnight oil (which they harvested from one of the aforementioned pumps), the four grinded out this EP like they tried to do to the coffee beans the following morning.

Destroyer MMXX is available now on The Bearded Dragon’s Bandcamp. Go check it out!



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