Parakletos Created an Unblack Metal Opera

If you feel it´s been too quiet from the ancient forests of Ostrobothnia, Finland, you´re about to receive great news. Ljungeld has been not been idle, but kept writing and is now getting together an unblack metal opera that is now being released upon the world.

The finished work consists of four parts in total to be released on EP. Each part/EP will contain three songs. After the first part, the opera in total will be released in the future.

The lyrical content tells about events in the Old Testament. In the other releases, different characters and different voices are to be expected throughout the songs.

Opera Ab Aeterno I (part One of the four in total) contains:

1. Opera Ab Aeterno

2. Satans Fall / The fall of Lucifer

3. Skapelsen / The Creation

The voices in these very first three songs are:

Ljungeld – The storyteller

Smaelek – God

Joel Johnson – Satan / Lucifer

Emma Backman-Björkblom – The Angels

All instruments except drums played by: Ljungeld

Drums: Rolf Pilve

Mixing & mastering: Sami Koivisto

A blessing for Ljungeld and the assemblage is to buy this first part of OPERA AB AETERNO digitally in order for them to be able to complete the other parts more quickly.

The EP is available on Bandcamp, YouTube Music, Spotify, iTunes, Deezer, Google Play and Tidal.

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