Tulsa Oklahoma, U.S. band XIII Minutes blasted into the scene in early 2016, founded by Not So Silent Night & Serpent Stomp mastermind Jamie Kucinski (drums) along side with band mates Michael Rowley (vocals), Aaron Smith (lead guitar), Horace Young (rhythm guitar) and John Walker (bass guitar).
The recently signed Rottweiler Records band have released a follow-up digital mini EP since their last hit single “This Life” earlier this year.
With Sibling Rivalry & Self Portrait we are still unclear when a full length is scheduled but this release gives the listener something to expect. Upon first hearing “Sibling Rivalry” I automatically note that this is the flagship song from the duo-track digital EP. It’s very melodic throughout, and it’s hard to put it strictly into a pigeonholed genre. The closest I can put my finger on is post-melodic hardcore with a commercial edge, with classic metalcore vocals, a very well balanced harmonised clean vocal and a extraordinarily tight arrangement that is certainly expected by no second rate band. They even throw in a nice little solo which adds a metal element to the song.

Then you have “Self Portrait” andit’s a unique song in itself, the structure of this track brings me back to the mid-to-late ’80s hard rock melodies, finding hints of late ’90s Zao influences through the progressive nature of the metalcore genre. Certainly not bombastic by any stretch of the imagination when it comes to the art of the genre, but it certainly holds its edge with yet another sweet solo.
Final verdict is that it’s a quality effort from the lads. Expect BIG things, definitely longer than XIII Minutes.
Christian Sullivan. 2017