For those who are fans of Impending Doom , the deathcore giants of the US, this may come as a shock. Longtime drummer Brandon “B-Town” Trahan has announced his departure from the band. Trahan performed on a majority of the band’s releases, joining back in 2009. He performed on There Will Be Violence , Baptized in Filth , Death Will Reign , and the most recent The Sin and Doom Vol. II .
Trahan has also previously performed with acts such Mirror of Dead Faces , xDeathstarx , Plague of Sheol , and Underneath the Gun . He announced that his replacement would be his good friend Andrew . He is said to be a phenomenal drummer, but it will be hard to fill the boots Trahan has set in place.
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I’ve finally come to a place in life where i needed to set the sticks down for Impending Doom after a solid 10 years. I started late 2009 with them. I’ll never forget the night i decided to pull “AIM” up (for some of you that don’t know it’s aol instant messenger) and i had not used it in over a year. I saw David on and said what’s up. He and i chatted for about 10 min on it until he said he was gonna call me. He did and it was to come Jam out and get ready to track there will be violence. It was definitely exciting and a decision i made that I would never regret. Over the years of albums, home shows, long tours, and flights to other countries…i can definitely say i had some of the most memorable times of my life with these guys. It wasn’t about the music. It was more about trying to perfect my imperfections as a Christian and hopefully spread some kind of positivity, love, and example for kids that didn’t know god or kids that didn’t have any peace in their lives and of course have fun. Touring is fun. But I never perfected anything about myself because it’s impossible. But I did the best I could. I can say I’ve met some pretty amazing people i can to this day call my friends just from touring in impending doom. And for that I’m grateful. What I can say though, is that these guys will always be my brothers and would do anything for them in a heart beat. I’m going to miss it with all my heart. The band has and always will be just fine no matter what. All the practice sessions, record writing, hotel shenanigans, tour bus shenanigans, fights, and so on and so forth was all worth those 10 years. My good friend Andrew will be taking over the throne and is an incredible drummer. I pray for blessings and peace over the band and that they continue to do what they love with the relentless machine of a band they are. For now… I’ll just sit in my room and continue to try to be a Tomas Haake jr and have fun. Thank you Brook, David, and Manny for some of the best years of my life. Love you all. God bless. #impendingdoom
A post shared by Brandon Trahan/Btown (@gorillajjitsu) on Feb 23, 2019 at 10:53pm PST
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