There has been no short supply of new music over this last month as we have entered 2021 with all aspects of rock, punk, and metal, which has been pleasing to many. With debuts being released, new signings to our well-adjusted labels and some old dogs showing new tricks, you can honestly say that’s it’s been the most productive time since the pandemic swept the world.
Metalcore outfit Convictions just like many have been affected during our times of uncertainty, which isn’t a bad thing by any stretch of the imagination but, it does give opportunities for for bands like themselves to stop or to explore new ways on how to readjust into our current climate.
The forever hard-working band has been toiling away to produce new material to cement them into the new decade with their brand new single “The Price Of Grace” which is scheduled to release to the public on Friday, February 12th. Following up from their full length album Hope For The Broken (2018), through their longtime label InVogue Records the band had also graced us with their previous single “Hurricane” (2019) that was followed by a music video of the track in November 2020.