What got you interested in music?
Ripper-I got into music from listening to The Beatles with my grandma? Then I started getting into progressive music like Aerosmith then I got heavily into a band called Avenged Sevenfold when I was about 12 and they really opened my eyes to metal for the first time ever since then all I’ve wanted to do is play music.
Me- nice
What’s some of your influences?
Ripper-I’d say I’m very heavily influenced by bands like,
Avenged Sevenfold
Lorna Shore
Silent Planet
Impending Doom
Me- awesome bands
Ripper-Yes sir some of the greats
How did the band form?
Ripper-So me and the guitarist were talking on the phone. I just left my previous band and we just decided hey what start a band and that’s how red Red Scythe was born. We’ve been long time, friends for most of our lives and within two weeks of the band forming we released our debut single carnage.
Me- awesome
And when did you start booking agency?
Ripper-For sure and the agency I kind of just started there’s not really anything too special going on about it right now. I just hope bands get shows but definitely is something I enjoy doing on the side
Me- Awesome that a big help
Are you guys planning to record?
Ripper-So we are actively in the studio
Me- great
Any tour plans?
Ripper- as we prepare for our debut show in Battle Creek, Michigan, April 4th at the music factory
Me- awesome
Most memorable show?
Ripper-Yes so we are looking at touring out west in the January time frame 2026 I’d really like to get this awesome band Now It’s Dark to go out with us I think that would be dope
Me- Awesome brother
Any road stories?
Ripper- Not anything to good yet but we will here in a couple months we are hitting it hot and heavy we have a lot of major shows lined up
Me- I feel that brother
Ripper-We are excited about what’s ahead of us though If you’d like, I can give you some info on some of the national shows were on this year
Me- Awesome brother ty
Any advice for upcoming artists?
Ripper- Don’t stop keep going
Me- Awesome advice
I want to thank you again ripper for doing this interview with the it’s been a blast
Ripper- All right, thank you very much, man and it’s been a blast for me as well. I’d like to do another interview at the end of the year too that way we can talk about all the cool shit we’ve done.
Me- Your very welcome and thank you and sounds like a plan
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