interview with Chelsea marrow of visitant

Hi Chelsea

Thanks for doing the interview

Anytime! Glad to be here for it

What got you into music ?

Chelsea-It’s just always been something that’s been a big part of my life. Some people turned to books for escapism. I think even as a kid, music was that for meI

know your band visitant has a album Coming out soon?

This year!! We were shooting for sometime in May for a first release Waiting for final masters and finishing up the edits for the music video 🖤 it’s been a long time coming We’ll be releasing Via Exitus Stratagem Records via Earsplit PRWe put a lot of heart into this album. We basically did most everything ourselves aside from masteringAnd PR

What’s the inspiration for this album?

Chelsea-It’s truly the embodiment of grief. Different stages. I think we were all going through some dark times when making it. Which makes it all the more raw . It takes you on a journey. There’s even a feeling of resolution and acceptance But when I was recording I envisioned the music or myself as this not necessarily vengeful spirit but definitely unsettled. And heartbroken. Wanting a story to be heard but no one can hear her no matter how loud she screams.We wanted it to be a bit cinematic. Pulling inspirations from ghost stories and dreams. Inspired by so many different styles of music. We didn’t want it to be like any Metal album out there I think that’s what was cool about making this. We were all free to express ourselves however we wanted

Me -That’s awesome. I can’t wait to hear it.

Chelsea -Can’t wait to get it out there!

How long it take to record this album?

Chelsea-That’s a hard question lolWe all recorded our stuff at different times It’s taken like 2 years to get it all together but we have solid members now and are excited for the futureMe- that’s a while but the work payed off And I’m sure your proud Chelsea -We are! And relieved lol

Me -I bet it’s a inspiration for me as a musician

Chelsea-We hope so!

How did visitant come together and form?

It was first formed by myself and Matt Brown from Demon King. We brought in Taylor and Anthony Lusk-Simone from Abiotic / Lattermath & Terran Fernandez. Then Demon King was hella busy so Matt stepped down. Terran had a hefty work load so we then brought in Kilian Duarte also from Abiotic and Lattermath , Scale the SummitMe awesome!

Are you guys planing to tour ?

We are! And a festival announcement this week

Me – I know touring is expensive rght now.Chelsea – It really is

Me – I hope prices go down soon

Chelsea -I honestly don’t foresee that happening, one can hope… but we’ll keep trudging along the best we’re able , regardless

Me – same here

Who would you like to tour with ?Panzerfaust would be sickEntheos , Myrkur , ENTHEOSMyrkurKardashevZeal & ArdorSCOURNaglfarGojiraHarakiri for the skyGAEREACarach AngrenUADACasket Robbery,GOATWHORE,Ulcerate,GreylotusI,NFERIChelsea .Wolfe.A girl can dream

Me -Awesome and I believe you could land a tour with most of these bands

Chelsea-I’m looking for the right booking agent

Hopefully we can score someone that can help us grow in that lightI want to shoot for bigger opportunities for us. I really feel like we could do it

Me-The owner of crime scene booking messaged me last night she is booking a tour for xasthur

Chelsea-Oh dang!

Me-S Kay wright Message her see what you come up with

Chelsea-Thank you

Me Yvw Chelsea

Chelsea-We’ve also reached out to The Flaming Arts AgencyHoping to tour out of the country as well

Me- that’s awesome!

Any advice for up and coming artist?

Chelsea-Always put your heart into what music you make. I really feel like people can tell when it’s genuine. If you aren’t in love with what you’re doing or creating, why do it

Me I agree that’s awesome advice

What’s your favorite gear ?

Chelsea-I love having a wireless mic set up. I love being free. Funny you asked that

I’m endorsed by CAD audio and am ordering a WX1000HH I wireless system from themI’m so excited to get it!

Me-Awesome congratulations on the endorsement

Chelsea-Thank you 🖤Me-Yvw Chelsea

Any road stories that stick out ?

Chelsea -Visitant doesn’t have any yet. We’re just getting out there .This year will be the first year we play live.

Me-Awesome well you guys will have stories next time.


Who is some of your favorite artists

Chelsea- Pretty much everyone on the who Wed love to tour with list.More for sureAdd in there Emma Ruth rundle , king dudeDax Riggs,I love dark folk / bluesMe awesome Panzerfaust would be sickEntheos , Myrkur , ENTHEOSMyrkurKardashevZeal & ArdorSCOURNaglfarGojiraHarakiri for the skyGAEREACarach AngrenUADACasket Robbery,GOATWHORE,Ulcerate,Greylotus,INFERIChelsea Wolfe,

Where do you see yourself and the band in the future

Chelsea-Hopefully touring the world and making more bad ass music that’s relatable. I really hope we make so many more connections with people. Music is always been my favorite way of communicating with people. I’m sure my bandmates feel similarly.

Me- I believe you guys got big things coming for the future

Chelsea-I’m putting all of my cards in. Manifesting that with everything in me

Me-I got faith u guys


Me-This has been a fun time and I’ve had a blast with you but I know your busy this has been a great interview I thank you so much for doing this and we can do it again in a couple months and catch up

Chelsea-Thank you so much

Me -Yvw you made this the best part of my day so thank you

Chelsea-I’m glad I could do this with you

Let me know when you share it or where it will be And I’ll share it to our page

Me-I sure will Me- Thank you again Chelsea

Authorized To Crank It UP!!

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About Mike Morrow 1 Article
I'm the bassist for anchored souls

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