There is something you can say about the majority of Rottweiler Records bands and that is……. “They are so friggin’ hard working!!!”
Slam metal act Cleansing The Temple from Clemson, South Carolina, signed on with the Texan metal label in late 2022 – and have revealed last week that the band are currently in the studio recording some brand new music to melt your ears off.

SPOTIFY : https://open.spotify.com/track/2MXrm3suywiXI3rJyHVJmg…
APPLE MUSIC : https://music.apple.com/us/album/in-the-garden/1671745771…
YOUTUBE : https://youtu.be/4Sm_FV4L6Gk
BANDCAMP : https://cleansingofthetemplerr.bandcamp.com/…/in-the…