When it comes to metal and hard music festivals across America, there have been a certain few that have blown up in popularity over the last few years with Immortal Fest, Furnace Fest and the ever popular AudioFeed (ex-Cornerstone).
Chains Unchained is certainly a festival not for the lighthearted nor have they ever been accused of low quality artists that have made the lineup. Yesterday they announced this years offering on the weekend of Friday July 21st & Saturday the 22nd.
The ever growing festival based in Springfield, Missouri has confirmed the mighty Living Sacrifice to headline Saturday night and alternative rock band Stonewall Static to headline Friday. The weekend will also feature Bred 4 War, DeadSin, Relent, My Place Was Taken, Undefeated and many more.
The only downside to this event is that it directly clashes with part one of this years Immortal Fest in Ohio, with artists such as Theocracy, One Bad Pig, X-Sinner and others.
You can buy tickets for Chains Unchained on the link below:
Costs are: $30 General Admission & $55 VIP.