Since meeting the band Convictions by chance in January 2017, with Autumnboy and friends in a popular basement venue in Birmingham, United Kingdom touring with headlining spoken word act Hotel Books, I was impressed with the guys’ sound, their energetic stage presence and how they handled themselves with a sold out gig in the middle of an English winter’s night.
Having received at the time their 2nd full-length I Will Become (2016), I noticed such a passion and resolve from the band that I had not seen for a while that expressed their heartfelt compassion to the crowd that night. Fast forward to 2021, after a year long worldwide pandemic that ceased all touring and shows across the globe, this didn’t stop the boys writing new material for their brand new 7 track EP I Won’t Survive which released last Friday, featuring the latest single “Wreckage“ and also including other previously released singles “Hurricane”, “The Price Of Grace” and “The War That Followed Me Home.”