Deborah and Exousia are both metal bands from down South. Ok, a little further down South. Not that far. Back it up. We’re talking Mexico here. Deborah and Exousia both specialize in the black metal style, with Deborah specifically following the melodic/symphonic style, while Exousia is more melodic death-oriented. Both bands have hired on Jedediah Martin of the Indiana-based black/thrash metal band Gøatherdr to play with them live on a tour in Mexico.
Gøatherdr was created early in 2019, as a way for Jedediah to perform with the goals of “hold[ing] fast to regenerative agriculture and see that industrial farming and messing with genetics is a treason against the Creation and its Creator.”
The bands will both be performing with Immortal Souls, the Finnish death metal band signed with Rottweiler Records.