Saved From Ourselves
Before Rainbow Rock I listened to some of their songs and also watched a bit of the band on YouTube. These guys were probably the youngest performers at the festival except for U.K. worship band KISH. Despite that, they turned out to give the greatest surprise and joy during the festival.
It’s ages since I have had so much fun.
With their quite complex music, I was wondering if they would pull this all off playing live. But, they nailed it! With their amazing growls… OH MY GOODNESS! Anyone attending the first moments must now be happy to have been there and heard it all live! The awesome sounds that came out of a quite young and slim built guy!
I believe those sounds woke up something primal in anyone who has at least a little metal vibe in their soul. We danced and rejoiced just as King David and his people of Israel must have done.
What was also amazing was that they were not there just for their own performance. As their lead vocalist Onni Lappalainen jumped around and expressed his intense energy the same way as he did for their entire own show, afterwards he and the rest of the band stayed for the duration of the evening as they supported the other bands, and continued to express that same energy with the rest of us and maintain that high intensity throughout the night.
To compare with something secular: I used to be very much into the Finnish band Rasmus, and I´m happy to get a little of those vibes, except for the fantastic growling that really adds a wonderful spice to the music.
With their hearts and attitudes like this, I believe this band has a bright future in the Christian metal community.