When I came across this guy Micah Brill from Buffalo,New York, I heard through Vision Of God Records that this young gun had a solo deathcore project called This Divided World. I was able to get my hands on his Discography album last year and I was visibly and musically impressed. Since their debut full-length album When Darkness Reigns back in 2012, the project has been an ongoing process but, yet he keeps quiet in-between releases and activity remains minimal to what I see.
After a couple of years since any new offerings from the project This Divided World, the band has just released their brand new single “In The Garden Of Gethsemane” on the 7th of this month of July. Their label Vision Of God Records has also just announced that a full-length album is on its way, without any date being scheduled as of yet.

The new single from This Divided World can be found on their official Bandcamp streaming website at: