Mindy-You’re welcome
When did you start getting into music?
Mindy-I’ve been into music my entire life. My family is musical. I started singing in church with my mom when I was about 3 years old. I was in choir in school and started my first band at 14.
Me- that’s awesome
What bands got you interested in music?
Mindy- My first album was Pat Benetar. I was obsessed with her and Joan Jett as a kid. I really enjoyed Aerosmith and Journey as well. Those bands got me into singing. Kittie was the band that actually inspired me to start a real band though.They’re my favorite band of all time. I have their real signatures tattooed on my leg
Me- Wow amazing as a musician they inspired me as well and kittie is amazing
So you started your band at 14?
I did. I started out as a bass player and backup vocalist
I was a bass player for 9 years.Well my bass playing days have been over for a bit.
I still play for fun but being a front woman takes all of my time these days
Me-Wow I play bass and write and I’m sure it does.because there’s a lot to being a vocalist
How was dieing oath formed?
Dying Oath was actually a band before I came in. They formed in 2018, and I came in early 2019. It started with a bunch of friends who just wanted to hang out and jam. I had known Josh (one of the 2 founding members) since we were teenagers. I think when I came, things just clicked and really started to get serious and take off.
Me- That’s awesome and you seem to be a driving force.
Mindy- Thank you so much
Me- your very welcome mindy.
What’s the biggest difference between other bands and dieing oath?
Mindy-I think they’re all different respectively, other than having the same dream… but I think that we have a different sound and way of doing things than most bands. You can’t really pinpoint our genre although it’s considered metalcore. I also think that our passion and drive really speaks for itself in all areas. If we have a goal, we can crush it together as a team and it’s led us to where we are
Me-I agree with you on that you guys have a drive and passion let none other
That’s how my band is
Are you guys on a label?
Are you guys working a album?
Any up coming tours ?
Mandy- No. We’ve had a ton of offers but honestly if they’re not offering anything that we’re not already doing ourselves, it’s pretty pointless in my opinion. We love doing things DIY and until the right opportunity comes we’re in no rush to sign
Me-That’s how we feel as well
What all some bands you guys would like to tour with?
Mindy- Kittie! Haha that’s my top band anyway. Of course as a band we also love bands like Trivium, As I lay dying, in flames, All that remains, Spiritbox, Jinjer, Make them suffer and a ton more. Realistically we’d really just love to tour with anyone that we really vibe with
Me-I seen kittie Coming lol and you guys fit well with all those bands
Any advice for upcoming artists?
Mindy- Never give up, especially when it’s hard. That’s usually when the reward is the greatest. Know who you are and stick by it, because originality and integrity are everything in this business. Invest in yourself above all else and never cut corners. You have to believe in yourself before anyone else will.
Me-That’s great advice mandy .I just interviewed Chelsea marrow the other day
Any good road stories?
Mindy- There are so many to choose from. One of the craziest ones though was driving to Louder Than Life in the middle of a hurricane and then playing in it. We also got pulled over for speeding (oops) and they let us go because we were musicians playing at LTL. (Do not speed everyone lol)
Me- That’s funny but I bet it was crazy
Mindy- It was… but it was a great experience overall
Me- I bet
Most memorable show?
Mindy- I think it’s probably different for each member but for me, I think our first festival at BRRF in 2021 always sticks out to me because it was the biggest and the most interactive crowd we’ve ever seen even to this day
Me- Awesome it makes it better when the fans interact you guys seem to have a following
Mindy- We genuinely have the best fans. I know all bands say that but we’re truly no one without them
It’s just the truth. Most of the opportunities we’ve had, they had a hand in. We work hard to earn it, but they push us to be our best
Me- that’s perfectly said
We would you like dieing oath be in the near future?
Mindy- On stages, on tour, and writing new music. I don’t think success is measured in money or fame, but more about the goals you’re reaching. One day I’d like to just do this for a living
Me- I agree 💯
I want to thank you for this interview it’s been awesome you made it amazing
Mindy- I would like to thank you as well. It’s people like you who help get our name out to new people and I really appreciate your time!!
Me- I appreciate the chance I know us bands got to stick together
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