Upcoming Rottweiler Records deathcore band Unworthy, hailing from Southern California, have consistently been a duo act over the lifetime of the band since their conception in 2020.
With founding vocalist Dennis Woods and longtime guitarist Jorden Jimenez leading the way on three albums: In The Face Of Death (2021), their debut on Rottweiler Records Where Light Divides (2023) and their latest offering This Present Darkness (2024), this act has created quite a positive stir across the faith-based deathcore community.
The interview with Dennis a few weeks ago on The Metal Onslaught Radio Show shed some light on how the duo were pushing towards gaining more active members to start working to play live shows across the Inland Empire and abroad.
The group themselves have now officially gained the skills of former Cultist guitarist Elias Clark, bassist Anthony Garate, and drummer Zach Lillemoen.
With this mag also being based in the Inland Empire, I am looking forward to the future of Unworthy and the clear message they strive to represent.
Check out Unworthy and their latest offering This Present Darkness on Rottweiler Records.