When you hear and read of artists that continually create music with more than one band, names jump to mind like Tiago De Souza (with Hand Of Fire, Godman, Perpetual Paranoia and Through The Clouds) Dale Thompson (with Bride, The World Will Burn, N.O.G., and as a solo artist) and lastly Jim Settle (with Hand Of Fire, and Once Dead, aka Vengeance Rising).
Well, two out of the three artists mentioned beforehand are doing something which is absolutely insane for me. Jim Settle and Tiago DeSouza, the main brains of Hand Of Fire, are at it again! With drummer Jason Borton in a doom metal project called Demon Dead, and Jim is taking on the bass duties within the project to make it complete.

Doom metal will never be the same again, as the new single will be released in the next couple of days according to the new project. More updates as they come along our news desk.