It was back in 1998 when I came across gothic metal band Wedding Party as they released their solid debut record, Anthems. This was at a time where bands such as Saviour Machine and Virgin Black were making their presence felt to listeners in a new era of metal influence throughout the goth scene.
It wasn’t until twenty-five years had passed, that Wedding Party returned with their stellar second effort White Horse (2023). That album carried not only their previous sound, but welcomed a much more blackened element from the addition of guitarist/vocalist Simon Björn (Dödsmarsch, Dark Valentine) and bassist Ravn Furfjord (Frosthardr, Dödsmarsch, InnerSiege).
Long-time drummer Shaun Shidell has shared in the journey of Wedding Party for the majority of the lifespan of the group, and has just announced his immediate retirement of the band and with sitting behind a kit in general due to his ongoing health issues. However, Shaun has confirmed that his days aren’t over for other industry endeavors, such as songwriting collaborations, production, and helping with the development of upcoming artists.
This is what Shaun had to say during a Facebook live video today:
.Hey friends, fans, family it’s Shaun, what’s up? Hey, I just want to take a quick second to give you a little update. I met with the band Wedding Party the other day. And unfortunately, my health issues have become too great and I have had to retire from the band.
Unfortunately, so I will no longer be playing live and I stepped aside. So, sad day, however, this is not the end of the song for Shaun. This is not the last song on the record if you know what I mean. I have been involved in Christian music since the mid to late ’80s and that will not stop. I just cannot play, I cannot sit behind the drums any longer due to my health issues!
However, I still will be available for songwriting collaborations, you know, some production collaborations, helping up and coming young artists that need some developmental help or to get to the next level, things like that, I will still be around. So reach out to me.
You need some help with any of that. I can help you record remotely whatever, but yeah, it’s not the end of the story for Shaun, God has more things in store for me. And as always, I appreciate your prayers and your support. And I hope you have a great weekend. Peace and bless.